A Note from Director, Dawn Logsdon
Greetings from the edit room! I've been so looking forward to announcing Free for All's debut to you all. Way back in March, we had finally completed all creative editing and were undertaking our last steps. Those steps included acquiring high resolution versions of the many wonderful archival stills and film clips that are in Free for All from public archives all around the country. Sadly, most of those archives closed before we got our materials and we're still waiting for them to re-open. So the bad news is that we had to postpone our national broadcast and festival premieres. The good news is that during this shutdown we were able to update the film to include the new challenges librarires are facing, and as soon as archives reopen and we clear all necessary rights, Free for All's ready to launch into the world.
In the meantime, I want to share with you a sneak preview of the film's animation, created by our amazingly talented animation team, led by Gordon Clark and Paul Golden.